A downloadable rhythm combat game for Windows

Strongly recommend playing with a controller!

speed run record at:

A game mixing rhythm combat and bullet hell. Parry enemies on beats to combo up and fight arenas!


1. No matter how you move, the bullet always hit you on the beat.

2. As you combo up the level, the background music adds on another layer of sound, creating more beat and thus more bullets. So the more combo you get the hard the level, but you need to fill up the combo bar to finish!


Narrative to be added:

You are a warrior of the winter tribe, crystal enemies have devoured your stars. Parry their attacks on the beat to release the stars trapped inside. As you combo up and collect more stars, the sky gets brighter. In the end, you will bring back the sun and end the everlasting night for the tribe.


discordant.zip 124 MB

Install instructions

Available for pc with controller. Strongly recommend playing with a controller!


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Hey, I'm working on a beat mapper app for music-based games. It's called MBOY Editor (https://vfpe.itch.io/mboy-editor) Do you want to try it for your game? Vic

Hey it looks interesting! this game is currently using fmod , I'll raise this to others in the next group meeting!

Thanks Xiao! I think fmod is for music creation, but MBOY Editor is for beat mapping. It can help to connect the game to music rhythm more precisely.